1 - 22Accessories for the Cordless SystemSeveral accessories are available for the cordless system. Contact yourdistributor for more information or to order accessories.Charge Packs (CLESS/NIMH/S)The charge pack for the cordless scanner is a rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride(NiMH) pack. The unique design of the charge pack it to be directly charged ina two-prong wall outlet commonly used in North America.The charge pack may be charged anywhere in the world through a universalcharge strip to physically adapt to the various power plug and socketconfigurations.Each scanner is shipped with one charge pack. Order a back up charge pack ora replacement charge pack separately.Charge StripsTo charge more than one charge pack at one time, charge strips are available.The charge strips are offered in two or six outlet configurations and may beconveniently wall mounted or placed on flat surfaces. The charge strip uses astandard PC (IEC 320) grounded power cord between the charge strip and theelectrical AC outlet.Note: International versions of the power cords are provided by HHP’s countrypartners or may be purchased from your local PC supplier. HHP does notsupply these power cords.Charge Pack AdaptersCharge pack adapters allow the charge pack to be plugged directly into manyinternational outlet receptacles. After the charge pack is removed from thereader, just snap on an adapter and plug it into an outlet. Two models areavailable: CLESS/ADAPTEURO for Europlug CEE 7/16 socket types, andCLESS/ADAPTUK for United Kingdom BS 1363 socket types.Belt HolsterThe belt holster holds the cordless scanner when not in use. The belt holsterconsists of a foam covered wire frame clasped to an adjustable nylon web beltdesigned to be worn around the waist.Wall Mount Kit (Standard)The standard wall mount holder stores the cordless scanner on a vertical surfacefor convenient access. The scanner easily slides between two rubberizedfingers that hold the scanner when it is not in use.