2 - 11Automatic Direct Connect: When Emulate External Keyboard has beenselected (page 2-9), Automatic Direct Connect Mode keeps the integratedkeyboard from becoming permanently disabled. (This selection disables thekeyboard for the duration of the bar code transmission.)Output Delays SelectionThis selection provides control of the time delays between data output by thecordless system to the host terminal. The actual delay is 5 millisecondsmultiplied by the programmed value (00 - 99). Default = 00.Intercharacter Delay is the time delay between data characters output by thecordless system to the host terminal.Interfunction Delay is the time delay between function (key) codes output by thecordless system to the host terminal.Intermessage Delay is the time delay between data messages or records outputby the cordless system to the host terminal.Example: You need a 45 millisecond delay. Scan the Intercharacter Delay barcode. Scan “0,” “9,” and Save on the Programming Chart (09 x 5ms = 45ms).1. A two-digit number and Save are required after scanning this programming bar code.Refer to the Programming Chart (inside back cover).Automatic Direct Connect Mode On*Automatic Direct Connect Mode OffIntercharacter Delay (x5mS) 1Interfunction Delay (x5mS) 1Intermessage Delay (x5mS) 1