4 User GuideSoftwareThis section describes the IBM-preinstalled software and other software thatcomes with your computer.IBM preinstalled softwareYour computer comes with preinstalled software. An operating system, devicedrivers to support built-in features, and other support programs are included. Seethe About Your Software publication for a detailed description of the preinstalledsoftware.Additional softwareYour computer comes with a Software Selections CD that includes additionalsoftware that you might choose to install. See the About Your Software publicationfor a description of the additional software that comes with your computer.Access IBMThe Access IBM program is preinstalled on your computer and is accessible fromthe Windows desktop. It provides the following:For more information about Access IBM, see the About Your Software publicationthat comes with your computer.Start up This selection provides topics about setting up yourcomputer.How Do I...? This selection provides topics describing how tocomplete specific tasks.Customize This selection provides information aboutcustomizing the Access IBM program.Get help This selection provides help information and ways ofgetting help from IBM.View license and warranty This selection gives you access to the warranty foryour computer and the license that covers theprograms preinstalled by IBM (excluding theoperating system) and those programs on theSoftware Selections CD that are not covered by theirown license.