© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 75Chapter 7. Getting help, service, and informationIf you need help, service, technical assistance, or just want more informationabout IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from IBM toassist you.For example, IBM maintains pages on the World Wide Web where you can getinformation about IBM products and services, find the latest technicalinformation, and download device drivers and updates. Some of these pages are:http://www.ibm.com Main IBM home pagehttp://www.ibm.com/pc IBM Personal Computinghttp://www.ibm.com/pc/supportIBM Personal Computing Supporthttp://www.ibm.com/pc/us/ibmpcIBM Commercial Desktop PCs (U.S.)http://www.ibm.com/pc/us/intellistationIBM IntelliStation Workstations (U.S.)http://www.ibm.com/pc/us/accessoriesOptions by IBM (U.S.)http://www.ibm.com/pc/us/netfinityIBM Netfinity Servers (U.S.)You can select a country-specific Web site from these pages.Help is also available from bulletin boards and online services, as well as by faxand telephone. This section provides information about these sources.Services available and telephone numbers listed are subject to change withoutnotice.Service supportWith the original purchase of an IBM hardware product, you have access toextensive support coverage. During the IBM hardware product warranty period,you may call the IBM Personal Computer HelpCenter (1-800-772-2227 in the U.S.)for hardware product assistance covered under the terms of the IBM hardwarewarranty. See “Getting help by telephone” on page 79 for HelpCenter telephonenumbers in other countries.The following services are available during the warranty period: