About This GuideThis manual briefly describes the features and capabilities of the 8275 Model 416High Performance Ethernet Workgroup Switch. However, its primary purpose is todescribe how to use the capabilities offered by the 8275-416 to configure, obtainstatus information, and monitor performance of the switch in your network.Who Should Use This GuideThis manual is intended for the network administrator or person responsible forintegrating, maintaining and monitoring the 8275-416 in your network. The personresponsible for coordinating installation and service for the 8275-416 will also findthis manual useful.How This Manual is OrganizedThis manual contains the following chapters and appendixes:v Chapter 1. Introduction describes the functions and capabilities of the 8275-416 .v Chapter 2. Accessing the 8275-416 describes the various physical methods ofaccessing the 8275-416 .v Chapter 3. Configuring your 8275-416 describes initial configuration of IPinformation.v Chapter 4. Using the Terminal Interface describes the using functions of theterminal interface.v Chapter 5. Using the Web Interface introduces the Web interface.v Chapter 6. Troubleshooting and Obtaining Service gives suggestions for solvingproblems obtaining service.v Appendix A. Safety Information contains translated safety instructions to observewhen performing troubleshooting proccedures.v Appendix B. Notices lists important notices about the use of this product.v Appendix C. Cable Pinout Diagrams describes and illustrates pinout diagrams forethernet and null modem cable connectors.v Appendix D. Interface Conventions for the Console describes the definitions andfunctions of special keys and commands that are used by the terminal interface.Accessing the Softcopy LibrarySoftcopy versions of 8275-416 product documentation is available from either theDocumentation CD-ROM (shipped with the product) or the IBM NetworkingProducts Web site. To access product documentation shipped on the CD-ROM,follow the instructions in the booklet that accompanies the CD-ROM. Visit thefollowing Web site to access the 8275-416 documentation at:http://www.networking.ibm.com/did/8275bks.html© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 xi