You specify Login Timeout and Baud Rate:Serial Port Login Timeout:Specifies the maximum connect time without console activity. The value isin a range from 0 to 160 minutes. A value of 0 indicates that a console canbe connected indefinitely. The default value is 5 minutes.Baud Rate :Specifies the communication rate of the terminal interface. Values can be1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200. The defaultvalue is 19200.Configuring for DHCP or BootP ServerIf you do not want to manually configure the 8275-416 with IP information, the8275-416 can obtain the IP information from a BootP or DHCP server. When BootPor DHCP is enabled, the 8275-416 periodically send out requests until a responseis received from either a DHCP or BootP server. The IP information in the BootP orDHCP response overlays any existing IP information in 8275-416 . The new IPinformation is not retained across a reset until a SAVE is issued.DHCPTo configure static DHCP, you must specify an IP address that will be assigned tothe 8275-416. This IP address is mapped to the 8275-416’s MAC address. Thestatic DHCP does not obtain an IP address from a pool of addresses on a DHCPserver unless one is explicitly set up for a given MAC address. For example, InWindows NT, a reservation must be set up for the 8275-416’s MAC address. Itshould be assigned an IP address from the pool of current addresses. The router,IP address, and subnet mask should all be configured for the 8275-416’s MACaddress. No other DHCP options are supported other than gateway/router address,IP address, subnet mask.Figure 18. Serial Port ConfigurationChapter 4. Using the Terminal Interface 31