Feature Module LEDsEach feature module has an OK and a Fault LED located at the left side of thefaceplate. The OK LED is Green and the Fault LED is amber. These LEDs areshown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 on page 9. They indicate the status of the featuremodule and are explained in the table that follows.Status LEDs for the 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet Feature ModuleLED Color State ExplanationOK Green ON There is power to feature module.OFF There is no power to feature module,no power to the 8275-416 , or themodule has failed.Fault Yellow ON There is a module fault.OFF There is no module fault.Right EthernetPort LEDGreen ON Indicates a 100 Mbps port.OFF Indicates a 10 Mbps port.Left Ethernet PortLEDGreen ON Link is up.OFF Link is down.Blinking Transmitting (Tx) and Receiving (Rx)traffic.Figure 4. Status LEDs for the 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet Feature Module.8 8275-416 User’s Guide