Handling FilesTo upload or download a file, select System Utilities Menu from the Main Menu.Then make the appropriate selection from the System Utilities Menu.The 8275-416 can download or upload files. Downloading is the transfer of filesfrom a remote server into the 8275-416 . Uploading is the transfer of files from the8275-416 to a remote server.Configuration settings can be retrieved from the 8275-416 as a binary file. A binaryconfiguration file can be sent to the 8275-416 . This allows you to back up theconfiguration or to easily update the configuration of multiple 8275-416 s.Additionally, a configuration file may be provided to IBM support personnel forproblem determination.The last-saved configuration used by the 8275-416 is retained after a code updateor a reset.Downloading a File to the 8275-416Downloading is the transfer of files from a remote server into the 8275-416 . (SeeFigure 42 on page 55.)Figure 41. Logout Utility54 8275-416 User’s Guide