User Account ManagementOn the Main Menu, select User Account Management Menu.Figure 39 shows thedata entry screen for specifying your user names, passwords, and access mode.The 8275-416 allows you to add and delete users and set user passwords for the8275-416 . You are to provide the following information:User Name:User name can be up to eight alphanumeric characters. The User Name isnot case sensitive. Up to six user names (accounts) can be defined; onewith read/write access mode and five with read only access mode.Password:The password can be up to eight alphanumeric characters and is not casesensitive. A blank password indicates no password. The default value isblank.Confirm Password:The confirm password can be up to eight alphanumeric characters. Theconfirm password is not case sensitive. A blank confirm password indicatesno password. The default value is blank.Access Mode:This value is not configurable. User access mode can be:read/writeOnly one user can be defined with read/write access mode per8275-416 . This user can change the status of other users, add anddelete users, change passwords and change configurations, anduse system onlyUp to five users can be defined with read only access mode per8275-416 . The message of read only appears on configurationscreens when a read only user is logged in.Figure 39. User Account Management Menu52 8275-416 User’s Guide