effect, but the changes are not automatically retained across a reset or power cycle.SAVE makes the changes take effect and also result in the changes being retainedacross a reset or power cycle.Saving Configuration Changes Across a Reset or Power CycleIn order for configuration changes to be retained across a reset or power cycle, youmust issue a SAVE command.Making Configuration Changes via the Terminal InterfaceThis section provides information about making configuration changes, getting thechanges put into effect, and retaining the changes across a power cycle when usingthe Terminal Interface.Making Configuration ChangesOn the terminal interface menus, field entries that can be modified are surroundedby either square brackets ([ ]) or angle brackets (< >).Square brackets identify an item that can be changed by typing in text. As soon asyou begin typing, the current value of the field is erased and is replaced by the newtext. In other words, no insert or overwrite modes can be performed in the field. Youcan use the following special keys while you are editing text fields:v Arrow keys: Arrow keys are ignored when you are editing a text field. On a fieldwhere no modifications have been made, arrow keys are used to move thecursor to the appropriate field indicated by the direction of the arrow key pressed.v Back Space: Removes a character in front of the cursor.v Delete: Gives the same result as the Backspace.v Enter: The text is accepted and the cursor moves to the next field. On a text fieldwhere no modifications have been made, Enter moves the cursor to the nextfield.v ESC: Stops editing the field and restores the original data.v Space Bar: May be an allowable key to enter text.v Tab: Performs the same function as the Enter key.v F4: Represents SAVE. Causes the configuration data to be saved and alsoapplied if not already done.Angle brackets identify an item that can be changed by selecting the desired option.The following special keys are used while selecting a configuration option:v Arrow keys: The text is accepted and the cursor moves to the appropriate fieldindicated by the direction of the arrow key pressed. On a field where nomodifications have been made, arrow key just moves the cursor to theappropriate field.v Enter: The text is accepted and the cursor moves to the next field. On a fieldwhere no modifications have been made, Enter moves the cursor to the nextfield.v ESC: Stops modifying the field and restores the original data.v Space Bar: Displays the next possible value for this field. Used to cycle throughthe available options to select the desired value.v Tab: Performs the same function as the Enter key.20 8275-416 User’s Guide