6. For information about power-supply problems, see “Power checkout” on page100.7. For intermittent problems, check the error logs; see “Diagnostic programs,error codes and messages” on page 91.Checkout procedureComplete the following steps to perform the checkout procedure:001 IS THE SERVER PART OF A CLUSTER?YES. Schedule maintenance for the system. Shut down all systems relatedto the cluster. Run the storage test.NO. Go to step 002.002 IF THE SERVER IS NOT PART OF A CLUSTER:1. Check the power supply LEDs, see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 95.2. Turn off the server and all external devices.3. Check all internal and external devices for compatibility athttp://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/.4. Check all cables and power cords.5. Set all display controls to the middle position.6. Turn on all external devices.7. Turn on the server.8. Record any beep codes that sound or POST error messages that aredisplayed on the screen. If no beep or more than one beep sounds,look up the error in “Beep symptoms” on page 104 or “No-beepsymptoms” on page 108; if an error is displayed, look up the first errorin “POST error codes” on page 108.9. Check the operator information panel system-error LED; if it is on, see“Light path diagnostics” on page 93.10. Check the system-error log and the BMC log.Note: The system-error log is available only with the RemoteSupervisor Adapter II SlimLine.If an error was recorded by the server, see Chapter 6,“Symptom-to-FRU index,” on page 103.11. Start the diagnostic programs.12. Check for the following responses:v One beepv Readable instructions or the main menu003 DID YOU RECEIVE BOTH OF THE CORRECT RESPONSES?NO. Find the failure symptom in Chapter 6, “Symptom-to-FRU index,” onpage 103.YES. Run the diagnostic programs (see “Diagnostic programs, error codesand messages” on page 91).If you receive an error, see Chapter 6, “Symptom-to-FRU index,” on page103.If the diagnostic programs were completed successfully and you stillsuspect a problem, see “Undetermined problems” on page 140.88 xSeries 236 Type 8841: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide