c. Select Initialize and format disk unit for each disk unit. When the new disk unit is initialized andformatted, the display shows that the status is complete. This may take 30 minutes or longer. Thedisk unit is now ready to be added to the system configuration.This ends the procedure.SDIOP-PIP27: For use by authorized service providers.You were sent to this procedure with a unit reference code of 9051.Note: For some storage I/O adapters, the cache card is integrated and not removable.I/O card cache data exists for a missing or failed device. The possible causes are:v One or more disk units have failed on the I/O card.v The cache card of the I/O card was not cleared before it was shipped as a MES to the customer. Inaddition, the service representative moved devices from the I/O card to a different I/O card beforeperforming a system IPL.v The cache card of the I/O card was not cleared before it was shipped to the customer. In addition,residual data was left in the cache card for disk units that manufacturing used to test the I/O card.v The I/O card and cache card were moved from a different system or a different location on this systemafter an abnormal power off.v One or more disk units were moved either concurrently, or they were removed after an abnormal poweroff.Note: Any Function 08 power down (including from a D-IPL) is an abnormal power off!1. If the system has logical partitions, perform this procedure from the logical partition that reported theproblem. To determine if the system has logical partitions, go to Determine if the system has logicalpartitions before continuing with this procedure.2. Access SST/DST by doing one of the following:v If you can enter a command at the console, access system service tools (SST). See SystemService Tools (SST) in the iSeries Service Functions information.v If you cannot enter a command at the console, perform an IPL to DST. See Performing an IPL toDST in the iSeries Service Functions information.v If you cannot perform a type A or B IPL, perform a type D IPL from removable media.3. Did you perform a D IPL to get to DST?v No: Access the Product Activity Log and display the SRC that sent you here. Press the F9 key foraddress information. This is the I/O card address. Then, view the ″Additional Information″ to recordthe formatted log information. Record the device types and serial numbers for those devices thatshow a unit address of 0000 0000.Continue with the next step.v Yes: Access the Product Activity Log and display the SRC that sent you here. The direct selectaddress (DSA) of the I/O card is in the format BBBB-Cc-bb:– BBBB = hexadecimal offsets 4C and 4D.– Cc = hexadecimal offset 51– bb = hexadecimal offset 4FThe unit address of the I/O card is hexadecimal offset 18C through 18F.A formatted display of hexadecimal information for Product Activity Log entries is not available. Inorder to interpret the hexadecimal information, see More Information from Hexadecimal Reports inthe iSeries Service Functions . Record the device types and serial numbers for those devicesthat show a unit address of 0000 0000.Continue with the next step.206 iSeries: iSeries Server 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Hardware Problem Analysis andIsolation