4. See Locations and addresses and find the diagram of the system unit, or the expansion unit. Find thecard slot that is identified by the I/O card direct select address (DSA) and unit address. If there is noIOA with a matching DSA and unit address, the IOP and IOA are one card. Use the IOP with thesame DSA.5. Choose from the following options:v If the devices from step 3 (See page 206) of this procedure have never been installed on thissystem, go to step 6 (See page 207).v If the devices are not in the current system disk configuration, go to step 8 (See page 207).v Otherwise, the devices are part of the system disk configuration; go to step 10 (See page 207).6. Choose from the following options:v If this I/O card and cache card were moved from a different system, continue with the next step.v Otherwise, the cache card was shipped to the customer without first being cleared. Perform thefollowing:a. Make a note of the serial number, the customer number, and the device types and their serialnumbers. These were found in step 3 (See page 206).b. Inform your next level of support.c. Then, go to step 9 (See page 207) to clear the cache card and correct the URC 9051 problem.7. Install both the I/O card and the cache cards back into their original locations. Then re-IPL thesystem. There could be data in the cache card for devices in the disk configuration of the originalsystem. After an IPL to DST and a normal power off on the original system, the cache card will becleared. It is then safe to move the I/O card and the cache card to another location.8. One or more devices that are not currently part of the system disk configuration were installed on thisI/O card. Either they were removed concurrently, they were removed after an abnormal power off, orthey have failed. Continue with the next step.9. Use the Reclaim IOP cache storage procedure to clear data from the cache for the missing or faileddevices as follows:a. Perform an IPL to DST. See Performing an IPL to DST in the iSeries Service Functionsinformation.If you cannot perform a type A or B IPL, perform a type D IPL from removable media.b. Reclaim the cache adapter card storage. See Reclaim IOP cache storage.10. Choose from the following options:v If this I/O card and cache card were moved from a different location on this system, go to step 7(See page 207).v If the devices from step 3 (See page 206) of this procedure are now installed on another I/O card,and they were moved there before the devices were added to the system disk configuration, go tostep 6 (See page 207). (On an MES, the disk units are sometimes moved from one I/O card toanother I/O card. This problem will result if manufacturing did not clear the cache card beforeshipping the MES.)v Otherwise, continue with the next step.11. One or more devices that are currently part of the system disk configuration are either missing orfailed, and have data in the cache card. Consider the following:v The problem may be because devices were moved from the I/O card concurrently, or they wereremoved after an abnormal power off. If this is the case, locate the devices, power off the systemand install the devices on the correct I/O card.v If no devices were moved, look for other errors logged against the device, or against the I/O cardthat occurred at approximately the same time as this error. Continue the service action by usingthese system reference codes.SDIOP-PIP28: For use by authorized service providers.Analyze hardware problems 207