System reference code Location of failureB448 xB34 M39 port C0B448 xB35 M39 port C1B448 xB36 M39 port D0B448 xB37 M39 port D1B448 xBF0 M41 ports A0-A1B448 xBF1 M41 ports B0-B1B448 xBF2 M40 ports A0-A1B448 xBF3 M40 ports B0-B1B448 xBF4 M30 ports C0-C1B448 xBF5 M30 ports D0-D1B448 xBF6 M39 ports A0-A1B448 xBF7 M39 ports B0-B1B448 xBF8 M40 ports C0-C1B448 xBF9 M40 ports D0-D1B448 xBFA M30 ports A0-A1B448 xBFB M30 ports B0-B1B448 xBFC M39 ports C0-C1B448 xBFD M39 ports D0-D1This ends the procedure.RMDEVFor use by authorized service providers.A removable media power regulator or device in a migrated expansion tower may be failing.See the RMDEV symbolic FRU in the Migrated Expansion Tower Problem Analysis, Repair and Partsmanual on the V5R1 Supplemental Manuals web site for FRU isolation instructions.SIADPCDFor use by authorized service providers.SIADPCD: High Speed Link I/O bridge card.If you are working on a Model 170, 250, 5xx, 6xx, or SBx, see the following for field replaceable unit(FRU) isolation and repair.v FI00065 (See page 250)v AJDG30 software loadThe failing component is the HSL I/O bridge card in a system unit primary I/O unit (for Models 830, 840,870, 890, SB2, and SB3), an FC 5074, FC 5078, FC 0578, FC 5079 (1.8m expansion tower) I/Oexpansion tower, or the Integrated xSeries Adapter Card in an xSeries server.1. If you are working from the Service Action Log and you know the frame ID where this failingcomponent is located, then continue with the next step in this procedure. Otherwise, record the busnumber value (BBBB) in word 7 of the SRC (see “Breaking down the SRC” on page 63 for help indetermining the bus number). Search for the bus number in HSM or the System Configuration Listingto determine which frame or I/O tower contains the failing component.446 iSeries: iSeries Server 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Hardware Problem Analysis andIsolation