v No keyboard or mouse attached to the Integrated xSeries Server (IXS)Refer to the Windows server on iSeries page, which is located in the Networking topic in the InformationCenter, or contact your next level of support for assistance.NTVSCSIFor use by authorized service providers.The Windows NT Server Virtual SCSI device driver may be causing the problem. Refer to the Windowsserver on iSeries page, which is located in the Networking topic in the Information Center, or contact yournext level of support for assistance.OPT_CLNFor use by authorized service providers.Use the Fiber Optic Cleaning Kit (see Type, model, and part number list for part number) and the FiberOptic Cleaning Procedures in ″SY27-2604-04 Fiber Optic Cleaning Procedures″ for all fiber channelconnections such as those used in optical High Speed Link (HSL) connections or Fibre Channel attacheddevices.OPTLCBLFor use by authorized service providers.The cabling for an Optical Disk Drive in the Optical Library needs to be checked. The cabling may beincorrectly installed, or it may be defective.Refer to the All 3995 Publications and Documentation Web site for more information.OPTLDRVFor use by authorized service providers.An Optical Disk Drive in the Optical Library is failing.Refer to the All 3995 Publications and Documentation Web site for more information.OPUSERFor use by authorized service providers.The failing item indicates that the operator of the system console or the control panel performed anincorrect action.Refer to the iSeries Information Center for more information.PCIBUSFor use by authorized service providers.The failing item is in an FC 5033, FC 5034, or FC 5035 migrated tower, or an attached FC 5065 I/O tower.Go to symbolic FRU PCIBUS in the Migrated Expansion Tower Problem Analysis, Repair and Partsmanual on the V5R1 Supplemental Manuals web site for information on servicing this symbolic FRU.PGDPARTFor use by authorized service providers.Follow the instructions for the model you are working on:Analyze hardware problems 407