Table 6. DSA messages (continued)v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved.v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, Type 7377 server,” on page 125 to determine which components are customer replaceableunits (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trainedservice technician.Messagenumber Component Test State Description Action405-904-xxx Intel EthernetDeviceTest FIFO Failed A failure wasdetected duringFIFO test.1. Make sure that the component firmware is at thelatest level. The installed firmware level is shownin the diagnostic event log in the Firmware/VPDsection for this component. For more information,see “Updating the firmware” on page 233.2. Run the test again.3. Replace the component that is causing the error.If the error is caused by an adapter, replace theadapter. Check the PCI Information and NetworkSettings information in the DSA event log todetermine the physical location of the failingcomponent.4. If the failure remains, go to the IBM Web site formore troubleshooting information at alert flagsIf a tape drive is installed in the server, go to for the TapeStorage Products Problem Determination and Service Guide. This documentdescribes troubleshooting and problem determination information for your tapedrive.Tape alert flags are numbered 1 through 64 and indicate specific media-changererror conditions. Each tape alert is returned as an individual log parameter, and itsstate is indicated in bit 0 of the 1-byte Parameter Value field of the log parameter.When this bit is set to 1, the alert is active.Each tape alert flag has one of the following severity levels:C: CriticalW: WarningI: InformationDifferent tape drives support some or all of the following flags in the tape alert log:Flag 2: Library Hardware B (W) This flag is set when an unrecoverablemechanical error occurs.Flag 4: Library Hardware D (C) This flag is set when the tape drive fails thepower-on self-test or a mechanical error occurs that requires a power cycle torecover. This flag is internally cleared when the drive is powered-off.Flag 13: Library Pick Retry (W) This flag is set when a high retry countthreshold is passed during an operation to pick a cartridge from a slot before theoperation succeeds. This flag is internally cleared when another pick operationis attempted.88 IBM System x3630 M3 Type 7377: Problem Determination and Service Guide