– The cable must be securely attached at all connections. If the cable isattached but the problem remains, try a different cable.– You must use Category 5 cabling.v Determine whether the hub supports auto-negotiation. If it does not, tryconfiguring the integrated Ethernet controller manually to match the speed andduplex mode of the hub.v Check the Ethernet controller LEDs on the rear panel of the server. These LEDsindicate whether there is a problem with the connector, cable, or hub.– The Ethernet link status LED is lit when the Ethernet controller receives a linkpulse from the hub. If the LED is off, there might be a defective connector orcable or a problem with the hub.– The Ethernet transmit/receive activity LED is lit when the Ethernet controllersends or receives data over the Ethernet network. If the Ethernettransmit/receive activity light is off, make sure that the hub and network areoperating and that the correct device drivers are installed.v Check the Ethernet activity LED on the rear of the server. The Ethernet activityLED is lit when data is active on the Ethernet network. If the Ethernet activityLED is off, make sure that the hub and network are operating and that thecorrect device drivers are installed.v Check for operating-system-specific causes of the problem.v Make sure that the device drivers on the client and server are using the sameprotocol.If the Ethernet controller still cannot connect to the network but the hardwareappears to be working, the network administrator must investigate other possiblecauses of the error.Solving undetermined problemsIf the diagnostic tests did not diagnose the failure or if the server is inoperative, usethe information in this section.If you suspect that a software problem is causing failures (continuous orintermittent), see “Software problems” on page 53.Damaged data in CMOS memory or damaged server firmware can causeundetermined problems. To reset the CMOS data, use the CMOS switch to clearthe CMOS memory; see “System-board jumpers” on page 18. If you suspect thatthe server firmware is damaged, see “Recovering the server firmware” on page 89.Check the LEDs on all the power supplies (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 58).If the LEDs indicate that the power supplies are working correctly, complete thefollowing steps:1. Turn off the server.2. Make sure that the server is cabled correctly.3. Remove or disconnect the following devices, one at a time, until you find thefailure. Turn on the server and reconfigure it each time.v Any external devices.v Surge-suppressor device (on the server).v Modem, printer, mouse, and non-IBM devices.v Each adapter.v Hard disk drives.v Memory modules. The minimum configuration requirement is 1 GB DIMM inconnector 3 (see “System-board DIMM connectors” on page 16).The following minimum configuration is required for the server to start:v One microprocessor (slot 1)Chapter 3. Diagnostics 121