Chapter 3. DiagnosticsThis chapter describes the diagnostic tools that are available to help you solveproblems that might occur in the server.If you cannot locate and correct a problem by using the information in this chapter,see Appendix A, “Getting help and technical assistance,” on page 259 for moreinformation.Diagnostic toolsThe following tools are available to help you diagnose and solve hardware-relatedproblems:v Troubleshooting tablesThese tables list problem symptoms and actions to correct the problems. See“Troubleshooting tables” on page 40.v Light path diagnosticsUse the light path diagnostics to diagnose system errors quickly. See“System-board LEDs” on page 20 or “Error LEDs” on page 54 for moreinformation.v IBM Dynamic System AnalysisIBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) collects and analyzes system information toaid in diagnosing server problems. DSA collects the following information aboutthe server:– Drive health information– Event logs for ServeRAID controllers and service processors– Hardware inventory, including PCI and USB information– Installed applications and hot fixes– Kernel modules– Light path diagnostics status– Network interfaces and settings– Performance data and details about processes that are running– RAID and controller configuration– Service processor (integrated management module) status and configuration– System configuration– Vital product data and firmware informationDSA creates a DSA log, which is a chronologically ordered merge of thesystem-event log (as the IPMI event log), the integrated management module(IMM) chassis-event log (as the ASM event log), and the operating-system eventlogs. You can send the DSA log as a file to IBM service or view the informationas a text file or HTML file.For more information, see “IBM Dynamic System Analysis” on page 59.v IBM Electronic Service AgentIBM Electronic Service Agent is a software tool that monitors the server forhardware error events and automatically submits electronic service requests toIBM service and support. Also, it can collect and transmit system configurationinformation on a scheduled basis so that the information is available to you andyour support representative. It uses minimal system resources, is available freeof charge, and can be downloaded from the Web. For more information and todownload Electronic Service Agent, go to© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 23