NJR-T04HD / NJR-R04HD User’s Guide4510.2 Setting position, size, and masking10.2.1 Output resolutionIf you set this attribute to “AUTO”, the optimal resolution will be selected automatically.Numbers following “@” represent the vertical sync frequency.480i / 480p / 576i / 576p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p are timing formats relating to the CEA-861 standard.Others are timing formats meeting either the VESA DMT standard or the VESA CVT standard.VESAHD@60,WUXGA@60, and QWXGA@60 are output formats that incorporate Reduced Blanking.Setting forFor each HDMI output connectorThe setting of OUT1 will be applied for all outputs in the following cases.・ An NJR-T01UHD is used as a transmitter and 4K video is input.・ An NJR-T04HD is used as a transmitter and “10.11.1 Devices to be connected” is set to“NJR-T01UHD or NJR-R01UHD is included” and “10.5.7 Video type” is set to “All Inputs”.・ “10.2.12 Videowall enabled / disabled and coordinate grid” is set to “Enabled”.Setting valueAUTO [Default] WXGA+@60 (1440x900) 720p@50 (1280x720)VGA@60 (640x480) WXGA++@60 (1600x900) 720p@59.94 (1280x720)SVGA@60 (800x600) UXGA@60 (1600x1200) 720p@60 (1280x720)XGA@60 (1024x768) WSXGA+@60 (1680x1050) 1080i@50 (1920x1080)WXGA@60 (1280x768) VESAHD@60 (1920x1080) 1080i@59.94 (1920x1080)WXGA@60 (1280x800) WUXGA@60 (1920x1200) 1080i@60 (1920x1080)Quad-VGA@60 (1280x960) QWXGA@60 (2048x1152) 1080p@50 (1920x1080)SXGA@60 (1280x1024) 480i@59.94 (720x480) 1080p@59.94 (1920x1080)WXGA@60 (1360x768) 480p@59.94 (720x480) 1080p@60 (1920x1080)WXGA@60 (1366x768) 576i@50 (720x576)SXGA+@60 (1400x1050) 576p@50 (720x576)Communication command@SOT Setting output resolution@GOT Getting output resolution@GTD Getting actual output resolutionNJR-R04HD