NJR-T04HD / NJR-R04HD User’s Guide7910.8 Telop10.8.1 Enabling / Disabling telopYou enable / disable telop that displays output and input numbers.Setting forFor each HDMI output connectorSetting valueOutput number:OFF [Default]ONInput number:OFF [Default]ONCommunication command@STO Setting telop@GTO Getting telop status10.8.2 Telop background colorYou can set the telop background color.Setting forFor each HDMI output connectorSetting valueBackground color: R / G / B: 0 to 255[Default] R / G / B: 0 (Black)Transparency:OFF [Default]ONCommunication command@STB Setting telop background color@GTB Getting telop background colorNJR-R04HDNJR-R04HD