819 PRIORITY WATCH■ Priority watch operationqSelect VFO mode, then set an operating frequency in thedesired MAIN band (left or right) .w Set the watched channel(s).For memory channel watch:Select the desired memory channel.For memory scan watch:Select memory mode; then, push and hold the mainband’s [V/MHz•SCAN] for 1 sec. to start memory scan.For call channel watch:Select the desired call channel by pushing the main band’s[M/CALL•MW] once or twice, then rotate the [DIAL].e Push and hold [LOW•PRIO] for 1 sec. to start the watch.• The transceiver checks the memory or call channel every 5 sec.• The watch resumes according to the selected scan resume con-dition. (p. 78)r Push and hold [LOW•PRIO] for 1 sec. to stop the watch.z Select VFO mode; then, set the desired fre-quency.x Set the watched channel(s).For memory channel watch:Push [MR/CALL] then [Y] or [Z] to select the de-sired memory channel.For memory scan watch:Push [MR/CALL], then push [ SCAN 2] to start thememory scan.For call channel watch:Push [MR/CALL] for 1 sec. then push [Y] or [Z]to select the call channel.c Push [ PRIO 3(PTT-M)] to start the watch.• The transceiver checks the memory or call channelevery 5 sec.• The watch resumes according to the selected scan re-sume condition. (p. 78)• To resume the watch manually when paused, push[PRIO 3(PTT-M)].v To stop the watch, push [CLR A(MW)].PRIO3