115OTHER FUNCTIONS15■ Microphone keysThe supplied HM-133’s (optional for some versions) [F-1] and [F-2] keys memorize the transceiver conditions.The [UP]/[DN] keys of the standard or an optional microphone(other than the HM-133) can be assigned functions like the func-tion keys on the transceiver’s front panel.DD [F-1]/[F-2] keys on HM-133The following conditions in the main band or both left andright bands can be memorized into [F-1] and [F-2] keys, in-dependently.Operating frequency, Mode (VFO/Memory/Call channel withchannel number), Memory name, Repeater setting (offset di-rection and frequency, tone ON/OFF and frequency) , Transmitoutput power level, Tone/DTCS squelch (ON/OFF, fre-quency/code and polarity) , Tuning step, weather alert (USAversion only) , Operating mode selection (FM/FM-N/AM/AM-N/DV†), Call sign (station and repeater),† Call sign/digital codesquelch (ON/OFF and digital code),† Set mode settings,* GPSset mode settings,* GPS-A set mode settings,* Display setmode settings,* Sounds set mode settings,* DV set modesettings,* , †*Only when storing both band’s conditions†Available only when optional UT-123 is installed.➥ Programming the main band conditionSet the desired contents of each condition inthe main band, then push [F-1]/[F-2] for 1 sec.• 3 beeps sound.➥ Recalling the main band conditionPush [F-1]/[F-2] momentarily.➥ Programming the both bands conditionAfter setting the desired contents of eachcondition in the both bands, push [FUNC]then push [F-1]/[F-2] for 1 sec.• 3 beeps sound.➥ Recalling the both bands conditionPush [FUNC] then [F-1]/[F-2] momentarily.DD [UP]/[DN] keys on a microphones(other than HM-133)The following functions are assigned to the [UP]/[DN] keys onthe other microphones (HM-154, etc.) in set mode.• Default setting[UP] : channel up; push and hold to start scan, push againto stop scan.[DN] : channel down; push and hold to start scan, pushagain to stop scan.See page 102 for assignable function details.[F-1]/[F-2]