748SCAN OPERATION12345678910111213141516171819■ Scan typesScanning searches for signals automatically and makes iteasier to locate new stations for contact or listening purposes.There are 4 scan types and 4 resume conditions to suit youroperating needs.FULL SCAN (p. 75) Repeatedly scans all frequen-cies over the entire band.Some frequency ranges arenot scanned according to thefrequency coverage of thetransceiver’s version.118.000MHz*depends on left or right band.549.995*MHzScanJumpALL/SELECTED BANKSCAN (p. 75)Repeatedly scans all bankchannels or selected bankchannels. The skip scan isalso available.SKIPSKIPA99 A03A00 A01 A02A04A98 A05FREQUENCY/MEMORYSKIP FUNCTION (p. 79)Skips unwanted frequenciesor channels that inconve-niently stop scanning. Thisfunction can be turned ONand OFF by pushing[SKIP](TONE•DTMF) inmemory mode.BandedgeBandedgeScanSKIP SKIPJumpPROGRAMMED SCAN(p. 75)Repeatedly scans betweentwo user-programmed fre-quencies. Used for checkingfor frequencies within a speci-fied range such as repeateroutput frequencies, etc.Bandedge xxA xxBBandedgeScan edgesScanJumpMEMORY (SKIP) SCAN(p. 75)Repeatedly scans memorychannels except those set asskip channel. Skip channelscan be turned ON and OFF infunction guide.SKIPSKIPM 0 M 4M 1 M 2 M 3M 5M 499 M 6