JBL ® Performance™ Series AV2 Audio/Video Processor Basic Operation2-9AV2 MENU OVERVIEWWhen the remote control touchscreen is in the“JBL” or “ZONE 2” menu layers, pressing MENUor SELECT on the AV2 remote control accessesthe menu controls for the AV2 processor. TheMAIN MENU is the root directory of the AV2menu structure and has three branches: AUDIOCONTROLS, VIDEO STATUS and SETUP.The AUDIO CONTROLS menu controls the audio-specific parameters,such as treble and bass, as well as providing an audio status menu. Formore information, refer to Section 4: Audio Controls and Video Status.The VIDEO STATUS menu is an information-only menu identifyingthe current video status of the AV2 Processor. For more information,refer to Section 4: Audio Controls and Video Status.The SETUP menu controls all aspects of setting up the AV2 processor.Refer to Section 3: Setup for more information.The AV2 menu structure can be viewed on the OSD (On-ScreenDisplay), which is a 480i or 480p video output signal to your monitor,or on the front panel two-line display, which displays the menus oneline at a time using the remote control navigation controls. The frontpanel two-line display can also be viewed on the OSD, in 480iresolution only.Note: When the AV2 menu structure is entered, most front panel buttonsand the remote control buttons are disabled until the menu structure isexited. The exceptions are the Volume Knob and Standby button on thefront panel and the remote control Volume, Mute, and Off buttons. Notealso that the disabled condition of the remote control only affects the“JBL” and “ZONE 2” menu layers.MENU NAVIGATIONUse the remote control arrow buttons to navigate the AV2 menustructure, shown in detail in Appendix B. The Command Matrixtable located later in this chapter indicates the navigationcommands that the remote control buttons perform when the AV2command bank is activated by selecting the “JBL” or “ZONE 2”options on the remote control touchscreen.MAIN MENUAUDIO CONTROLSVIDEO STATUSSETUPArrow Navigation Functions(for “JBL” and “ZONE 2” menu layers) When a menu is open, press the remote control arrow toselect the highlighted menu parameter. The menu parameterwill blink to indicate that it is selected.When a menu is open, press the arrow to close the currentmenu and, in most cases, open the previous menu. Subsequentpresses continue to close the current menu and open theprevious menu until the MAIN MENU is closed.When a menu is open, press the and arrow buttons to scrollupward and downward through the complete list of menu param-eters. The highlighted menu item appears in the front paneldisplay. All menu items appear in the OSD. The cursorautomatically wraps to the next menu parameter when the first orlast menu item is passed.When a menu parameter is selected and blinking, press the and arrow buttons to scroll through the available parameteroptions.SELECT Press the Select button to open the menu structure, open a menubranch, or select a menu parameter.MENU Press the Menu button to open the menu structure.EXIT When the menu is open, press the Exit button to leave the menu.Unlike the arrow button, which closes a menu layer, the Exitbutton completely closes the menu structure.