PC and Dock Controls Harman Consumer Group, Inc.5-4DOCK FUNCTIONALITYThe optional iPod docking station allows you to enter a new worldof listening enjoyment made possible by combining the storagecapacity and playback flexibility of an iPod (not included) with thesonic power of your AV2 processor. Operation is easy – you can useyour AV2 remote control to access and control your iPod selections.Just one simple connection and you’re ready to go!Note: This functionality is available ONLY if you have purchased the optionaliPod docking station. Refer to Section 1: Getting Started for orderingdetails.CONNECTING THE DOCK TO THE AV2Before connecting the dock, turn the AV2 off using either the mainpower switch or the Standby button.With the AV2 off, press the button on each side of the connector atthe end of the dock cable and insert this plug into the Dockconnector on the rear panel of the AV2. The connector is keyed toonly connect in one way. If you inadvertently try to plug theconnector in the wrong way, do not force it. Simply invert theconnector and try again.Once the Dock connector is attached to the dock accessory, selectthe Dock input. The AV2 front panel two-line display indicates thatt h e i n p u t i s “ U N P L U G G E D . . . ” . T h e s t a t u s r e m a i n s a s“UNPLUGGED” until an iPod is actually docked.Note: The Dock Input setup displays Digital Audio as NONE, Analog Audioas Dock (or “UNPLUGGED” if there is no iPod connected to the AV2), andthe Dig/Anlg Auto parameter is dashed out. These three parameters cannotbe changed for the Dock Input.When the iPod is initially plugged into the AV2, the iPod goes to thetop of its music menu. When the iPod is removed, the iPod menugoes to the root menu.If the AV2 is in Standby mode with the Dock AUTO POWERparameter set to ON and the iPod currently playing a track when itis plugged into the dock, the track continues to play and the 2-linedisplay shows the current track information.SELECTING THE CORRECT iPod INSERTEach iPod model is a slightly different size, making it necessary touse an insert that matches your specific iPod to the Dock. The Dockis shipped with the insert for the iPod Nano Video 3rd generation4GB/8GB model already installed; if you own this model, no furtherchanges are necessary.If you own a different iPod, first select the insert that matches yourmodel. The model identification is printed on the back of each ofthe four extra inserts supplied with the dock.Note: The iPod Shuffle is not supported by the optional iPod docking station.Press buttons when inserting or removing the plug.