Troubleshooting and Maintenance Harman Consumer Group, Inc.6-8CHANGE MONITORMESSAGEThis error message flashes on the2-line OSD and front panel displaywhen an analog signal is being sentto an HDMI monitor.To correct the problem, change the video monitor setting to ananalog input source.AUTOCAL ERROR MESSAGESThe following error messages apply specifically to error conditionsthat exist during the AUTOCAL or SEMI AUTOCAL procedures, orthat pertain to the saved AUTOCAL settings.MICROPHONE OVERLOADERRORThis error message will displaywhen the microphone is placed tooclose to the speaker grille of thespeaker under test during the FarField, Near Field or SubwooferTests.CAUTION!If the microphone is too close to the speaker duringtesting, damage to the speaker or microphone mayresult.To correct the problem, move the microphone further away fromthe speaker under test and repeat the test.FAR FIELD ERRORThis error message will displaywhen the microphone does notdetect sound from a speaker thathas a crossover setting other than“NONE” during the Far Field Test.To correct the problem, check themicrophone position, verify thespeaker cables are connectedproperly, verify that the volumelevel is correct and repeat the test.NEAR FIELD ERRORThis error message will displaywhen the Near Field test has failed.Ty p i c a l l y, t h i s f a i l u r e o c c u r sbecause the microphone is not inthe proper position or the volumesetting is too low.To correct the problem, verify thatthe microphone is within two feetof the speaker under test, verify thespeaker cables are connectedproperly, verify that the volumelevel is correct and repeat the test.CHANGE MONITOR TOANALOG INMICROPHONE OVERLOADVerify microphoneposition andlower volume 6dB.BACK TO SPK/EQ SETUPREPEAT TESTFAR FIELD ERRORFRT-L: NO SIDE-R: NOCENTER: YES REAR-R: YESFRT-R: YES REAR-L: YESSIDE-L: YESVerify mic positionand spkr connections.Speakers detected:If OK, raise volume 5dB.BACK TO SPK/EQ SETUPREPEAT TESTNEAR FIELD AUTOCALVerify mic positionand spkr connections.If OK, raise volume 5dB.ERRORBACK TO SPK/EQ SETUPREPEAT TEST