44Remote Control Functions• Press the MAIN Selector h.• Press the Mute Button c to store theDCR600II’s Power On command.• Press the TV Input Selector Button oto indicate the next command is for “TVPower On.”• Press the Mute Button c to store theTV Power On command.• Press the VID 3 Input Selector Buttonn to indicate the next command is for“Cable Power On.”• Press the Mute Button c to store theCable Power On command.• Press the Macro 1 Button f to com-plete the process and store the macrosequence.After following these steps, each time you pressthe Macro 1 Button f, the remote will sendthe Power On/Off command to only thosedevices.Erasing Macro CommandsTo remove the commands that have been pro-grammed into one of the Macro buttons, followthese steps:1. Press the Mute Button c and the MacroButtons bfg that contain thecommands you wish to erase.2. Note that the Program Indicator LED willturn red.3. Within ten seconds, press the SurroundMode Selector Button t, followed by theMacro Buttons bfg that containthe commands you wish to erase.4. The Program Indicator LED will flash threetimes before it goes out.5. When the Program Indicator LED goes out,the Macro has been erased.Device FunctionsOnce the remote has been programmed for thecodes of other devices, press the appropriate InputSelector dijl–o to change theremote from controlling the DCR600II andDVD600II to controlling the additional product.When you press any one of the selectors, it willbriefly flash in red to indicate that you havechanged the device being controlled.When operating a device other than theDCR600II or DVD600II, the controls may notcorrespond exactly to the function printed onthe remote or button. Some commands, such asthe transport controls, will operate the sameway for that device as they do for the DCR600IIand DVD600II. Other buttons will change theirfunction so that they correspond to a secondarylabel on the remote. For example, the Sleep pand Surround Mode Selector t buttonsalso function as the Channel Up and ChannelDown buttons when operating most TV sets,VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Downindication is printed directly on the remote. Formany standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRsand DVD functions, the standard function iconsare printed on top of the buttons.For some products, however, the function of aparticular button does not follow the commandprinted on the remote. In order to see whichfunction a button controls, consult the FunctionList tables on pages 26 and 27. To use thosetables, first check the type of device being con-trolled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remotecontrol diagram. Note that each button has anumber on it.To find out what function a particular button hasfor a specific device, find the button number onthe Function List and then look in the column forthe device you are controlling. For example,button number 7 is the Macro 2 button for theDCR600II, but it is the Repeat button for CDplayers, and the Favorite Channels button forcable boxes and satellite receivers. Button num-ber 32 is the Delay button for the DCR600II, butthe Time button for CD players, and PreviewChannel button for many TVs, cable televisionboxes and satellite services.Notes on Using the RemoteWith Other Devices• Manufacturers may use different code sets forthe same product category. For that reason, itis important that you check to see whether thecode set you have entered operates as manycontrols as possible. If it appears that only afew functions operate, check to see whetheranother code set will work with more buttons.• When a button is pressed on the remote,the red light under the Input Selector dh–jl–o for the product beingoperated should flash briefly. If the DeviceControl Selector flashes for some but not allbuttons for a particular product, it does NOTindicate a problem with the remote but ratherthat no function is programmed for the buttonbeing pushed. Consult the Function List onpages 26 and 27. Blank squares indicate thatno function is programmed for that button forthe corresponding device. Consult the device‘sowner‘s manual for further information.Volume Control Punch-ThroughThe remote may be programmed to operate theVolume Control sw and Mute c func-tions of either the TV or the DCR600II in conjunc-tion with any of the devices controlled by theremote. For example, since the DCR600II will likelybe used as the sound system for TV viewing,you may wish to have the volume control on theDCR600II activated, although the remote is setto run the TV. To program the remote for VolumePunch-Through, follow these steps:1. Press the Input Selector dijl–o for the source unit you wish to have asso-ciated with the volume control and the MuteButton c at the same time until the red lightappears under the Input Selector dijl–o and note that the ProgramIndicator LED will light.2. Press the Volume Up Button s and notethat the Input Selector dijl–o will flash once.3. Press either the MAIN Selector h or theInput Selector dijl–o,depending on which system’s volume controlyou wish to have attached for the punch-through mode. The Program Indicator LEDwill go out and the Input Selector dijl–o you pressed in Step 1 will blinkthree times and then go out to confirm thedata entry.Examples:1. To adjust the volume control for theDCR600II while the remote is set to controlthe DVD600II, press the DVD Selector dand the Mute Button c at the same time,then press the Volume Up Button s, thenpress the MAIN Selector h.2. To have the volume control for theDCR600II activated even though the remote isset to control the TV, first press the TV InputSelector o and the Mute Button c atthe same time. Next, press the Volume UpButton s, followed by the MAINSelector h.NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote tothe original configuration after entering a VolumePunch-Through, you will need to repeat the stepsshown above. However, press the same InputSelector dijl–o in Steps 1 and 3.