6 3 KEB COMBIVERT F4-C12Name: Basis28.01.98Chapter Section Page Date © KEB Antriebstechnik, 1997All Rights reservedFunctional Description Digital In- and Outputs&>1 01Bit 0&>1 01Bit 1Bit 71 Out1Out21Bit 7Bit 0Bit 10101Out Ddo.25 do.0do.10do.9do.16Picture 6.3.16 Inverting and selection of switching conditions6.3.16 Inverting OutputConditionsdo.17...do.24With parameter do.17...do.24 each of the four switching conditions (do.1...do.4)can be inverted separately for each output. Through this function any switchingcondition can be set as Non-condition. The parameter is bit-coded. According topicture 6.3.16 the weighting, for the switching condition to be inverted, is to beentered in do.17...do.24. If several conditions are to be inverted, add up the values.Output Out3 shall be set, when the inverter does not accelerate! In this case weput switching condition 15 (inverter accelerates) e.g. on do.1 (enter value 15). Withdo.19 we invert the switching condition do.1, therefore enter value Selection OutputConditions(do.9...do.16)Example:The parameters do.9...do.19 serve for the selection of the previously definedswitching condition. The selection is done separately for each output. You can choosebetween no condition up to all 4 switching conditions. According to picture 6.3.16the weighting of the selected switching condition is to be entered in do.9...do.16. Ifseveral conditions shall be selected, add up the values.After the switching conditions are selected for each output, it can now be specifiedhow these are to be linked. As a standard all conditions are OR-linked, i.e. if one ofthe selected conditions is met, the output is set. As another possibility an AND-function is available, which can be adjusted with do.25. AND-function means thatall selected conditions must be met, before the output is set.Parameter do.25 is bit-coded. The table of 6.3.19 shows the assignment.6.3.18 Output ConditionInterconnection(do.25)Picture 6.3.18 Interconnection of switching conditionsand inverting of the outputs1111do.17...do.24do.1do.2do.3do.4Value 1Value 2Value 4Value 8Value 1Value 2Value 4Value 8do.9...do.16