Connection/Installation86Ñ Positioning the slider inforward1 Remove the four screws from the bottomof the main unit.Main unitScrew2 Remove the two cover for back position,and then remove the two hexagon headscrews from the bracket for back position.Hexagon headscrewBracket for backpositionCover for backposition3 Pull the slider block forward and removethe two hexagon head screws to removethe bracket for back position.Bracket for backpositionHexagon headscrew4 Install the bracket for forward position(accessory 0) each side so that itsprojections are aligned with the slots onthe main unit.ProjectionProjection05 Fix the bracket for forward position tothe slider block with the two hexagonhead screws. Push the slider block until itstops and then fix the bracket for forwardposition to the main unit with the twohexagon head screws.Hexagonhead screwHexagon headscrew6 Reinstall the four screws to the bottom ofthe main unit.Screw7 Install the cover for forward position(accessory 9) to two locations, as shown.9