28Chapter 3: Basic OperationChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 83-2 Configuration of DiscsDVD AUDIO disc configuration (DV-5900M only)DVD VIDEO disc configurationThe group is the largest unit composing the musicin an DVD AUDIO disc. Each group is composedof multiple tracks, and each track is composed ofmultiple indices.The title is the largest unit composing the musicand/or pictures in an DVD VIDEO disc. Each titleis composed of multiple chapters.CD and VCD disc configurationMP3 disc configurationConfiguration of MP3 discsThe folder is the storage unit at the highest level in thedisc. Sometimes a single folder contains more than onefile, or sometimes files are recorded directly in the discin place of being included in a folder. Some discs alsohave a hierarchical structure in which a folder includessub-folders. Note that the file numbers are not assignedon a per-folder basis but they are assigned consecutivelyfor all the files in the whole disc.3-3 Turning power onOperation procedure1. If preparation of the TV is required :Set the input selector of the TV to monitor the videooutput from this unit.If preparation of the AV amplifier is required :Set the input selector of the AV amplifier to monitorthe audio output from this unit.2. Press the POWER button on the player.When the power of the player is in the standby mode,press the POWER button on the remote.÷ When power is switched on, the unit startsdetection of discs in the stocker (“DETECTION” isdisplayed during this).When discs have been detected, the unit automaticallyreads TOC on discs (“READING” is displayed duringthis) then starts playback.÷ When no disc has been detected, the display shows“NO DISC”.[To put the player power in the standby mode]÷ When the power is on, press the POWER button on theremote. The "STANDBY" indicator lights up to indicatethat the player is in the standby mode of power.[To turn the player off]÷ When the power is on or standby, press the POWERbutton on the player to turn it off.22 3 4 522 3 4 522Group 1 Group 2Track 1 Track 1Index 1DVD AUDIO22 3 4 5 22Title 1 Title 2Chapter 1 Chapter 1DVD VIDEO22 3 4 5Track 1CD and VCD22 3 4 n 2n+3n+2Folder 1 Folder 2File 1 File n+1MP3