64Chapter 6 : Specifying and Using Disc or Track DataChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 86-5 Disc search (DISC SEARCH mode)The convenient disc search function searches the desireddisc in the changer for playback or ejection.When daisy chain connection is set, disc search coversall of the discs in the set changer units.a : Searching a disc by the disc title(CHARACTER SEARCH mode)By inputting the initial letter of the desired disc title orartist name, discs which have the disc titles or the artistname beginning with that character can be searched insequence.÷ Check that the unit is in the normal play TRACKmode. ¤÷ Input the title. ŒOperation procedure1. Press the MODE button.÷ When the MODE button is pressed duringCHARACTER SEARCH mode, the CHARACTERSEARCH mode is cancelled.2. Press the DISC + (up), – (down) button to select“DISC SEARCH”, then press the SET button.3. Press the DISC + (up), – (down) button to select“CHARACTER”, then press the SET button.4. Press the DISC + (up), – (down) button to select“DISC TITLE” or “DISC ARTIST”, then press the SETbutton.DISC TITLEDisc search by the initial letters of disc title names.DISC ARTISTDisc search by the artist names.5. Input the initial letter of the disc title or the disc art-ist to be searched.÷ The initial letters of disc titles or disc artist aresearched insensitively to the uppercase andlowercase.÷ Lowercase characters cannot be input in theCHARACTER SEARCH mode.÷ The disc titles or the disc artist beginning thespecified character will be scrolled in the display.÷ If a desired character is not provided on the remotecontrol buttons, input the character as follows.Press the CHARAC. 4, ¢ (down/up) buttonsor rotating the DISC knob on the main unit untilthe desired character is displayed in the flashingcursor position. Then, press the SET button.÷ The type of characters (capital letters or numbers/symbols) is switched each time the CHARAC.button is pressed.6. Press the SET button.÷ If there is no disc registered in the specifiedcharacter, “NO ENTRY” will be displayed.÷ When daisy chain connection is set, the set changerunits can be switched using the MAIN, SUB 1 andSUB 2 buttons.7. Select one of the following operations for the searchtarget disc.6-5-1 Disc search using the remote control unit“CHARACTER SEARCH”Disc search based on the title name or artist name.Remote control operation ‰OSD operation Á“MUSIC TYPE SEARCH”Disc search among the discs registered in a music type.Remote control operation ˇOSD operation ¨“USER FILE SEARCH”Disc search among the discs registered in a user file.Remote control operation ÁOSD operation ˆ