81Chapter 7 : Various SetupsChapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 87-4-3 Delay Time SettingIdeal center speaker positionIdeal surround speaker positionsDelay time of center speakerWhen playing a DVD recorded with Dolby Digital audio, the distances from the listening position to thecenter and surround speakers should ideally be identical to those of all other speakers except for thesubwoofer. The delay time setting makes it possible to compensate for the difference in distances of actualspeakers by delaying the audio output from the center speaker and surround speakers so that the soundsfrom all speakers reach the listening position at the same timing. (The delay time adjustment is availableonly with Dolby Digital.)Before starting the speaker setting, see the following figure and measure distance A of the center speaker(A = Df - Dc) and distance B for the surround speakers (B = Df - Ds). The standard delay time settings canbe identified based on these values and the following tables.LS RSSWCABDc Df120°DsL R30°¶ All speakers should be laid out within a circleas shown in the figure.Distance A(A = Df - Dc) Setting ValueApprox. 50 cm "1.3" msApprox. 100 cm "2.6" msApprox. 150 cm "3.9" msApprox. 200 cm "5.3" ms¶ If distance Df is equal to or shorter thanDc, set to "0".Delay time of surround speakersDistance B(B = Df - Ds) Setting ValueApprox. 200 cm "5.3" msApprox. 400 cm "10.6" msApprox. 600 cm "15.9" ms¶ If distance Df is equal to or shorter thanDs, set to "0".