From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibrarySAVING POWERBATTERY SAVERBattery Saver becomes active when the squelch isclosed and no key is pressed for more than 5 seconds.This feature becomes passive whenever any key ispressed or the squelch is opened. Once the squelchcloses and 5 seconds pass with no further key entries,Battery Saver becomes active again.Battery Saver does not function while scanning.Activate Battery Saver by using the following procedure:1 Press [CALL]+ POWER ON to enter Menu Set-up.2 Turn the ENC/SQL control to select Menu No. 01.• The current Battery Saver status appears.• The default is"ON".c3 o-,,APOr1,_,,-,n 'u '3 Press [CALL] to select "OFF" or"ON".s• OFF: Turns OFF Battery Saver("S"disappears).•ON:Turns ON Battery Saver("S"appears).4 Press any key other than [CALL], [LAMP],or[MONI]to exit Menu Set-up.AUTOMATIC POWER OFF {APO)After 1 hour elapses with no key entries, APO turns OFFthe power; however, 1 minute before the power turnsOFF, the APO indicator begins blinking and an audiotone sounds. When the power is turned OFF by APO,the frequency disappears from the display, however,"APO"remains blinking.Ifthe receiver squelch opens or any keys are pressedduring the 1 hour period while APO is ON, thetimerresets. When the squelch closes or key entry stops, the1 hour timer begins counting again from 0. APO doesnot turn OFF the power if Tone Alert is ON.Activate APO by using the following procedure:1 Press [CALL]+ POWER ON to enter Menu Set-up.2 Turn the ENC/SQL control to select Menu No. 02.• The current APO status appears.• The default is"ON".RPAPOr1,_,,-, DC'3 Press [CALL] to select "OFF" or"ON".s• OFF: Turns OFF APO ("APO" disappears).•ON:Turns ON APO ("APO" appears).4 Press any key other than [CALL], [LAMP],or[MONI]to exit Menu Set-up.To restore power after APO has been activated, turn thePWRNOL control.39