From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryCall channelA frequency intended for establishing contact with otherstations. A transceiver key is dedicated to the Callchannel so the frequency can be recalled quickly.Call/Memory ScanA scan function that allows alternate monitoring of theCall channel and the current memory channel. Thecurrent memory channel is the memory channel selectedor used last. See "Scan".CaiiNFO ScanA scan function that allows alternate monitoring of theCall channel and the current VFO frequency. Thecurrent VFO frequency is the frequency selected or usedlast while in VFO mode. See "Scan".Channel DisplayA function that shows only the memory channel numberon the display instead of both the frequency and thememory channel number.CO (Carrier-operated} ScanWhen scanning, Scan stops at all carriers received andresumes 2 seconds after the carrier stops.CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System)Also referred to as Tone Squelch. A method of receiversquelch control that uses a subaudible tonesuperimposed by the transmitter on the transmittedsignal. Only signals received with a subaudible tone thatmatches the tone selected at the receiver can open thereceiver squelch.CTCSS frequencyThe subaudible frequencies used by CTCSS.Default settingsThe values selected for VFO frequency, Call channelfrequency, frequency step, etc. by the transceiver after itis reset. All transceivers are shipped from the factorywith default settings.DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) signalA signal created by combining two discrete audiofrequencies. Generally used for sending digits forrepeater control or Autopatch applications.DTMF Transmit HoldA function that keeps the transmitter keyed while DTMFsignals are sent. The function eliminates the need tohold PTT while pressing individual keys to send theDTMF signals.65