From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryPACKET OPERATIONOne of the most exciting benefits of owning a handy FMtransceiver nowadays is the ability to use it for VHF orUHF packet radio. Due to the small size of theTH-22/TH-42 series handhelds, they are particularlyhandy for mobile or portable packet operation. By usinga small laptop computer to control any of the widelyavailable Terminal Node Controllers (TNC), andinterfacing the TNC to your transceiver via the externalmicrophone and speaker jacks, you may be surprised athow compact and lightweight a digital station can be.Operating packet while on the road from a campsite orhotel can be a great way to meet others with commoninterests when in a new area or city. Newcomers todigital communications will be surprised to discover whatthey have been missing.Similarly, by connecting a home computer or dumbterminal, which you may have in your shack already, toyour TNCitransceiver assembly, you can become activeon packet with little further monetary investment.In either case, connecting to one of the many stationswith gateways to HF or satellite links can give younational and worldwide messaging capability from yourstation with nothing more than your handheld for thecommunications link.Refer to "CONNECTING OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT"{page 62} for basic connection information for theexternal microphone and speaker jacks. Consult yourTNC instruction manual for additional information aboutconnecting a TNC to your transceiver. Much referencematerial is available for getting started in digitalcommunications from any store that handles AmateurRadio equipment.Note: This transceiver is not recommended tor 9600 bpsPacket operation since using the microphone/speaker jacksas an interface may not provide reliable operation at this hightransmission speed.51