From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryCONVENTIONS FOLLOWED IN THISMANUALThe writing conventions described below have beenfollowed to simplify key stroke instructions and avoidunnecessary repetition. This format is less confusing forthe reader. Reviewing the following information now willreduce your learning period. That means less time willbe spent reading this manual; more time will be availablefor operating.Note:~ Basic procedures are numbered sequentially to guide youstep-by··step. Additional information pertaining to a step,but not essential to complete the procedure, is provided inbulleteo' form following many steps for further guidance.~ Most procedures require that you enter a final key strokethat acts as a terminator for the procedure. You can, if youprefer, simply wait for approximately 10 seconds ratherthan enter this final key entry.2INSTRUCTIONPress[KEY1] + [KEY2].Press[KEY1 ], [KEY2].Press[KEY]+ POWER ON.Press{F) (1 s).Press[KEY] (1 s).MEANINGPress the keyssimultaneously.Press the keysin sequence.Press the keywhile poweringthe transceiver.Press theFunction key forlonger than 1second.Press the keyfor longer than1 second.WHAT TO DOPress and holdKEY1 down, thenpress KEY2.Press KEY1momentarily,release KEY1,then press KEY2.With thetransceiver powerOFF, press andhold KEY, thenturn ON thetransceiver power.Press and holdthe Function keyuntil the "F"indicator on thedisplay beginsflashing.Press and holdKEY until thefunction begins.