From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryCONTINUOUS TONE CODED SQUELCH SYSTEM (CTCSS)The CTCSS feature is available only when a TSU-8CTCSS unit is installed.CTCSS functionsbyusing subaudible tones that aresuperimposed on a transmitted signal to control areceiver's squelch. When used in combination with thenoise squelch, CTCSS provides a simple method toselectively choose which stations willbehElard.Thistransceiver offers a total of 38 standardized CTCSSfrequencies.Monitoring is less tiring when using CTCSS since youhear only those stations on a particular frequency thatare transmitting the CTCSS tone that you have selected.SELECTING CTCSS FREQUENCIESRefer to the chart of frequencies available and theprocedure for selecting the desired frequencyonpage 31.USING CTCSSTo switchONCTCSS, repeatedly press [T/CT] until"CT"appears on the display. Each time [T/CT] ispressed, the display changes as below:40Noindicator__...,...T---CTt~...-______1No indicator : Subaudible tone not transmitted andtone squelch not functional.T : Subaudible tone transmitted.CT : Subaudible tone-transmitted and tonesquelch functional.After switching ON the CTCSS function, the squelch willnot open until a signal is received that has the selectedCTCSS Tone superimposed on the signal.To disable CTCSS, press [T/CT] again.Note:~"Cr"will appearif[TICT]is pressedwhen the TSU-8cress unitisnot installed; however. cress will notfunction.~When using DTSSorPage with CTCSS, the squelchopens onfyifthe correct cress tone is receivedandthereceived DTSS or Page code matches the code stored inyour transceiver.~rH-22EirH-42E:Selecting the 1750 Hz tone inhibits cress operation. Inaddition, sefecting 1750Hz switches CTCSS OFFautomaticallyifthis function is ON at the time.Assoon asany Tone frequency other than1750Hz isselected, theprevious cress status (ONorOFF) is restored.