Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 9S ELECTING P RIMARY U SAGEYou can choose what mode your receiver is operating in, either MARINE orLAND. The default setting is MARINE.The following chart shows the terminology that your MAP 410 uses while inland or marine mode. For purposes of this manual, it will be assumedthat the receiver is in the marine mode.TAKING A POSITION FIXOnce you have chosen the primary usage for your receiver,the STATUS screen will be displayed. At this point, youshould go outside in an area where you can get a clear viewof the sky. The MAP 410 will begin receiving data fromthe satellites in view and will display the progress on theSTATUS screen.Once your receiver has computed a position fix, the MAPscreen will be displayed. If the MAP screen has beenturned off then the POSITION screen will be displayed.Use the ARROW keysto toggle betweenMARINE and LAND.ENTERMARKDuring Initializationat the Preferencescreen.TerminologySpeedBearingDistanceHeadingVelocity Made GoodCourse To SteerEstimated Time of ArrivalTime To GoCross Track ErrorRecorded PositionUnits of MeasureLandSPDBRGDSTHDGVMGCTSETATTGXTELandmark(LMK)MILES/MPHor KM/KPHMarineSOGBRGDSTCOGVMGCTSETAETEXTEWaypoint(WPT)NM/KNOTSSTATUS3D 12131878POWER0 0 1 1 1 27 8 2 3 8 525TEMP 25 ˚cN