Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 13THE POSITION SCREENThe POSITION screen displays the coordinates of your last computedposition and basic navigation data. You also have the option of viewingyour present position using another coordinate system.Viewing Secondary Coordinate System from the POSITION ScreenFrom the POSITION screen, press the LEFT/RIGHTARROWs and the lower half of the screen changes todisplay your present position in secondary coordinatesystem. The datums that were selected under SETUPfor each coordinate system are also displayed.Averaging in the POSITION ScreenWhen navigating, your MAP 410 takesposition fixes. However, when you arestationary, at zero speed, the receiverbegins averaging mode. Whenaveraging, the receiver continuouslytakes fixes and combines them to createan average, giving you a more accurateposition fix. Once you begin moving,position averaging ends and the receiverbegins displaying instantaneous positionfixes while you navigate.ENTERMARKFrom theSat Statusscreen. MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight TEMP CALIB.ENTERMARKENTERMARKUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight SAVE EDITS.Use the ARROWKEYS to changethe temperature.ENTERMARKTEMP CALIBSAVE EDITSRESET DFLTTEMP25 ˚c150120 SKT nmmPOSITIONN34 ˚ 06.52117˚49.56 WELEV 900 FT11:23:35 PMSPEED5 . 3 8EPE 112 FTTRIP2 3 8 . 8COURSE 15023JAN99°CurrentElevationCurrent DateCurrent SpeedCompassPosition IconCoordinatesCurrent TimeEstimated PositionError (may displayDGPS, Simulate orAveraging)Distance TraveledCourseSecond CoordinateSystem accessLAT/LONN34 ˚06.52117˚49.56W900 FT11:23:35 PMEPE 112 FT23JAN99WGS84UTMNAD272311 4 760W7437 479N150120 SKTnmmPOSITIONN34 ˚06.52117˚49.56WELEV 900 FT11:23:35 PMSPEED5 . 3 8 TRIP2 3 8 . 8COURSE 150AVERAGING00:00:35° AveragingTimer