Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 35GOTOFrom yourpresentlocation.Use UP/DOWN ARROW KEYSto highlight the category thewaypoint you wish to goto is stored.ENTERMARKENTERMARKMENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYSto highlight FIND.Use UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to alphabeticallyscroll through the waypoints in the categoryyou selected. Highlight your desired waypoint.ENTERMARKYou are returned to theGOTO screen with thechosen waypoint highlighted.ENTERMARKMENUFINDCLEAR GOTOSORT WPTBACKTRACKWAYPOINTSROUTESSETUPSUN/MOONFISH/HUNTCONTRASTALARM/MSGUsing FIND in a GOTO RouteWhen creating a GOTO route, you may need to find the waypoint you wishto navigate towards. Using the FIND function allows you to quickly findthe desired waypoint. This option is not available for User waypoints.Clearing a GOTO RouteThe CLEAR GOTO function allows you to delete an active GOTO route.CREATING A M AN OVER BOARD (MOB) R OUTEAnother type of route is Man Over Board (MOB). TheMOB route is useful when you want to instantly create aroute.When you press ENTER, your receiver will store theposition and set a GOTO route to it. MOB waypoints aretitled MOB001, MOB002, etc. If an MOB already exists,the receiver will give you the option of replacing the MOB.Clearing a MOBThe CLEAR MOB function allows you to delete an active MOB route.Clearing a MOB route does not delete the MOB waypoint from thereceiver’s memory. You will have to delete this waypoint from the waypointlist.MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight CLEAR GOTOENTERMARKGOTOGOTOFrom yourpresentlocation.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYSto highlight MOB.ENTERMARKGOTOMOBUSERAIRPORTSRAIL STOPSWATER PORTSSIGHTSEEINGHISTORICMUSEUMSPARK/GARDENAMUSEMENTGOLF COURSESFrom theGOTOScreen.MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight CLEAR MOB.ENTERMARK