Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 25Accessing WPTs from the MAPWhen the cursor is placed over the icon of a waypoint,the name, bearing, distance and position of that waypointare displayed. You also have the ability to obtaininformation regarding that waypoint above and beyondwhat is displayed on the screen. While over a waypointicon, press the MENU key and highlight WPT INFO andpress ENTER. The WPT INFO screen is now displayedshowing further information about this waypoint.If the cursor is placed over a cartographic object formore than one second, a window appears identifying theobject. Pressing the QUIT key will hide the window.THE ROAD SCREENThe ROAD screen displays four customizable navigation fields, at the top ofthe screen, as well as a display to show your position on the desired route.At the top of the screen, the destination name is displayed along withnavigation data fields. The pictorial road screen shows your position inrelation to your desired route, as well as your cross track error. The roadshows the direction in which you should be travelling to reach yourdestination; when the destination icon is straight ahead, you are on course.If you are off course, such that the destination icon is off the screen, anarrow icon will appear to point you in the direction to get back on course.1710Long Beac107Palos Verdes EstatesLomita LosLawndaleHawthorneCompton710710Lt LtTO:ARROWHEAD COVEBRGCOGDSTSOG13413723.116.1NM°M°M KT12 miSegundoTorrance405CarsonSignal Hill405Rancho Palos Verdes213Hermosa BeachManhattan Beach4059191Lt 1 1LtLtSan PedroCerritos Channel110110Gardena47NTO: FISHBRG127° DST3.52COG156° SOG2.7mmnmKT1.0Navigation DataDestinationIcon Desired RoutePosition IconDestinationNameNavigation DataScale