56 Magellan MAP 410 GPS ReceiverInstead of projecting an imaginary grid of intersecting lines onto the globe,UTM projects sections of the globe onto a flat surface. Each of thesesections is called a “zone.” There are 60 zones to cover the entire earthbetween 84°N and 80°S (polar areas are not described by UTM). Each zoneis 6° wide as projected from the earth’s center.A UTM position is described by three elements; the zone it is in, the easting,and the northing. Eastings and northings measure how far into a zone aposition is in meters. Eastings are an east/west measurement, and correspondroughly to longitude. Northings are a north/south measurement, andcorrespond to latitude.This chart shows the position of Magellan described in both LAT/LON andUTM coordinates.Time Delay Grids (TD). These are lines of position (LOPs) that aredetermined by the difference in length of time required to receive the Loran-C signals. Loran is a radio navigation aid and TD coordinates are clearlymarked on nautical charts. Our marine GPS units can display positioncoordinates in TDs by converting from position fixes calculated in LAT/LON. (No measurements are being made using Loran signals).1511 12 13 143000 Km3000 Mi.Scale at the Equator.1 2 3 4 5180° 150°10120° 90°2060°2530°300°3530°4060°4590°50120°55150°60180°0°NOTE: The area described by the UTM coordinate system extends to 84°N and to 80°S.6 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 5934 06’35”NLAT/LONDEG/MIN.MM DEG/MIN/SEC34 06.58N117 49.56W 117 49’34”WUTM11 4 23 818 E37 74 624 N