Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 27Resetting the OdometerTo reset the odometer use the following keystrokes:Resetting the Trip OdometerUse the following keystrokes to reset your MAP 410’s trip odometer:Setting the Speed AverageYou may want to reset the Speed Average field in your receiver. You canchoose from TRIP, 5, 30 seconds, 1, 5 minutes or 1 hour. The TRIP option isthe average over the whole trip. The default is 30 seconds.THE TIME SCREENThe TIME screen displays the current time, estimated timeenroute (ETE), time of arrival and elapsed time in regardsto the route you are navigating in. The first data field canbe customized to correct the current time and to select thetime format.WARNINGRESETODOMETERTO 000?YESNOFrom theSpeedscreen. MENUA pop-upconfirmationwindow appears.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight YES or NO.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight ODOM RESET.ENTERMARKENTERMARKFrom theSpeedscreen. MENUA pop-upconfirmationwindow appears.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight YES or NO.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight TRIP RESET.ENTERMARKENTERMARKWARNINGRESETTRIPTO 000?YESNOSPEED AVGTRIP5 SECONDS30 SECONDS1 MINUTE5 MINUTES1 HOURFrom theSpeedscreen. MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight SPEED AVG.A pop-upwindowappears.Use UP/DOWN ARROW KEYSto highlight TRIP, 5 SECONDS, 30SECONDS, 1 MINUTE, 5 MINUTES or 1 HOUR.ENTERMARKENTERMARK03:54:2101:09:2402:24:5604:34:20PMPMELAPSEDETETIMEOF ARRIVALThe TIME screen defaults to OFF. To view this screen you will need toturn it ON. See Enabling/Disabling NAV Screens section for furtherdetails.