Magellan MAP 410 GPS Receiver 49Temperature UnitsYou have the ability to choose between FAHRENHEIT and CELSIUS whensetting the temperature units in your MAP 410.North ReferenceThe MAP 410 uses magnetic north as a default reference for all navigationcomputations. You can change this to true north (good, if you are using amap) or back to magnetic north (default, good to use if you are using acompass) under SETUP. The default setting is MAGNETIC.Light TimerThe light timer is a power saving function that automatically turns the lightoff. Once the light has been turned off by the timer, it can be turned on withthe next key press. For example, suppose you select the timer setting for 30seconds. If you press the light key to turn the light on, it will remain lit for30 seconds and then shut off automatically, as you had selected. With thenext key press, the light will turn on again for 30 seconds. This process willcontinue until you press the light key again to turn the light off or turn thereceiver off. With the Light Timer function, you can choose the setting forthe light timer. You can choose from ALWAYS ON, 15 and 30 seconds, 1, 2and 4 minutes.ENTERMARKMENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight SETUP.Use UP/DOWN ARROWKEYS to highlightFAHRENHEIT or CELSIUS.ENTERMARKFromanyscreen.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight TEMP UNITS.ENTERMARKTEMP UNITSFAHRENHEITCELSIUSWPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONNORTH REFTRUEMAGNETICFromanyscreen. MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight SETUP.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight NORTH REF.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight your choice.ENTERMARKENTERMARKENTERMARKFromanyscreen. MENUUse UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight SETUP.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight LIGHT TIMER.Use UP/DOWNARROW KEYS tohighlight your choice.ENTERMARKENTERMARKENTERMARKWPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONLIGHT TIMERALWAYS ON15 SECONDS30 SECONDS1 MINUTE2 MINUTES4 MINUTES