Upgrading Your Server 9-11Power Supply UnitIf your server is operated with 200 to 240 VAC power by using an optional AC cable or with 100VAC in specific power configuration, the server can continue its operation without interruption evenif a single power supply unit fails (power redundant configuration).In addition, if the AC power of each power supply unit is divided into two lines, the server cancontinue its operation without power interruption even if either of AC power line fails (AC powerredundant configuration).Maximum configuration that supports redundant feature at 100 VAC *1, *2:N8100-1478F NEC Express5800/R140a-4 (Intel® Xeon® Processor E7310 Model)N8101-376 CPU Kit (XMPQ/1.60G (2x2)), 3 setsN8102-298 Additional 4GB Memory Module set, 3 setsN8100-1479F NEC Express5800/R140a-4 (Intel® Xeon® Processor E7420 Model)N8101-423 CPU Kit (XMPQ/2.13G (8)), 3 setsN8102-298 Additional 4GB Memory Module set, 3 sets*1 No restriction is imposed except for processor and DIMM*2 N8100-1480F does not support this feature.If the power cord is disconnected from the power supply unit immediately after it is connected, theevent "power degraded" may not be registered in OS event log, and only the event "powerrecovered" is registered.IMPORTANT: The AC power cord provided with the server accepts100 VAC only. Do not use the cord with 200-VAC power. To use theserver with 200 VAC, connect an optional AC cable that can accept 200VAC.How to enable the redundant power featureThe server is shipped with 100-VAC non-redundant power configuration. To use the server with100-VAC or with 200-VAC redundant power configuration, you need to update PIA (PlatformInformation Area) / SDR (Sensor Data Record).You can obtain the latest PIA/SDR from the following site:http://www.nec.co.jp/express/index.htmlSelect [Servers], then [Support] to download the necessary information. For update procedure, readthe file "README.TXT" provided with the program.