203Menu Guide > C The Photo Shooting Menu5 Copy white balance.Press J to copy the white balance value from the highlightedphotograph to the selected preset. If the highlightedphotograph has a comment, the comment will be copied tothe comment for the selected preset.D Fine-Tuning Preset White BalanceThe current preset can be fine-tuned byselecting Fine-tune in the preset manualwhite balance menu and adjusting whitebalance as described in “The White BalanceMenu: Fine-Tuning” (0 198).D Edit CommentTo enter a descriptive comment of up to 36characters for the current white-balancepreset, select Edit comment in the presetmanual white balance menu.D ProtectTo protect the current white-balance preset,select Protect in the preset manual whitebalance menu, then highlight On and pressJ. Protected presets cannot be modifiedand the Fine-tune and Edit commentoptions cannot be used.