217Menu Guide > C The Photo Shooting MenuVary exposure, Active D-Lighting (ADL), or white balance slightlywith each shot, “bracketing” the current value. Bracketing can beused in situations in which getting the right settings is difficultand there is not time to check results and adjust settings witheach shot, or to experiment with different settings for the samesubject. The following options are available:• Auto bracketing set: Choose the setting or settings bracketedwhen auto bracketing is in effect. Choose AE bracketingperform exposure bracketing, WB bracketing to performwhite-balance bracketing, or ADL bracketing to performbracketing using Active D-Lighting.• Number of shots: Choose the number of shots in the bracketingsequence.• Increment: Choose the amount the selected settings vary witheach shot (ADL bracketing excluded).• Amount: Choose how Active D-Lighting varies with each shot(ADL bracketing only).Auto BracketingG button ➜ C (photo shooting menu)