25+HDGVHW Automatically selected when your phone isconnected to a headset. Remembers any changes you maketo settings in Menu 8, My tones, and uses them the nexttime you connect the phone to a headset.&DU Automatically selected when your phone is connectedto a car kit. Remembers any changes you make to settings inMenu 8, My tones, and uses them the next time you connectthe phone to a car kit.Note: If the 6LOHQW, 4XLHW, or /RXG quick alert setting ischosen and you change a setting in Menu 8, My tones, thephone switches the current quick alert setting to 0\ WRQHV.Voice mailbox numberIf you have a voice mail subscription, use 0HQX 2 2 2 to savethe voice mailbox number given to you by your serviceprovider. This number may be up to 32 digits long. Once yousave your voice mailbox number, you can press and hold thekey to dial your voice mailbox. (You can also pressbriefly and then press &DOO.)For more information on voice mail, see ‘Voice messages’ onpage 45.Voice privacyAvailable only in digital networks, voice privacy encrypts thevoice channel so it is more difficult for anyone to eavesdropon your conversations. Use 0HQX 4 4 1 to turn voice privacyon or off.This feature may not be available in all areas; contact yourservice provider for details. If voice privacy becomesinactive, the phone beeps and displays 9RLFH SULYDF\ QRWDFWLYH.