64Persons with pacemakers:• Should always keep the phone more than 6 inches (20 cm) fromtheir pacemaker when the phone is switched on;• Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;• Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize thepotential for interference.• If you have any reason to suspect that interference is takingplace, switch off your phone immediately.Hearing aidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids.In the event of such interference, you may want to consult yourservice provider.Other medical devicesOperation of any radio transmitting equipment, including cellularphones, may interfere with the functionality of inadequatelyprotected medical devices. Consult a physician or the manufacturerof the medical device to determine if they are adequately shieldedfrom external RF energy or if you have any questions. Switch off yourphone in health care facilities when any regulations posted in theseareas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may beusing equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehicles (e.g. electronic fuel injectionsystems, electronic anti-skid (anti-lock) braking systems, electronicspeed control systems, air bag systems). Check with themanufacturer or its representative regarding your vehicle. You shouldalso consult the manufacturer of any equipment that has been addedto your vehicle.Posted facilitiesSwitch your phone off in any facility where posted notices so require.Potentially explosive atmospheresSwitch off your phone when in any area with a potentially explosiveatmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areascould cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or evendeath.