532 Enter the phone number, area code,etc. to which you want to restrictcalls, then press 2..3 If you want, give a name of up to10 characters to the restriction(such as -RH\, /RQJ GLVW, or 40;33&V), then press 2..The entry is added to your list ofrestricted numbers.Allowing calls to a number on the listIf you later decide to allow calls to arestricted number, press 6HOHFW to seeyour list of numbers. Press 8QPDUN toremove the restriction. (The numberremains in the list so that you canrestrict it again later by pressing 0DUN.) When you’re done,press . Press to save your changes (or tocancel).Making changes to the restricted outgoing calls listTo edit or completely erase an entry in the list, choose (GLWor (UDVH, select the entry you want to edit or erase, andfollow the instructions on the screen.Phone lockYou can prevent unauthorized use of your phone by lockingit. When your phone is locked, only incoming calls and callsto the unlocked phone number (see below) are allowed. Thememory and menu are unavailable.Note: Calls may still be possible to emergency numbers.How to lock your phonePress 0HQX 4 3 2 1. Enter the lock code (see page 51), thenpress 2.. Scroll to 2Q, then press 2..